Here's something you don't get with every download, A story!
Well, It wax boxing day a few years ago (And for all you yanks who don't know what boxing day is, it's the day after Christmas where everything is dirt cheap)
and I was waiting in line at the CD store, hoping to snag some good deals, and after waiting about 20 minutes the store finally opened.
I go inside and dig out my wallet to see what I have to work with, but I see a slight problem, I forgot my wallet at home, and I only had a $5 on me.
Feelig stupid for waiting now, I decided that I had to buy something anyway so I head over to the metal section and look through the cds for one I can afford.
Alas, I found this cd:
Covenance is a Death/Grind band from Annapolis, Maryland, now I don't personally listen to alot of death or grind so I can't tell you that this is THE BEST THING ON EARTH
or if it's generic run of the mill stuff, but I enjoy it, and a few that I have shared it with do as well, so now I bring you, for your sampling pleasure
Covenance - Ravaging the Pristine